Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ahhhh, Home Sweet Home!

We're here!! Finally! In the house we were hoping to move into! I'm exhausted and the kids are still run down and kinda 'off' but all in all they've settled well!! My mom and sister Shelby were angels sent from God!! I never could have gotten as much done as I wanted to if it weren't for them! Apart from lots of cleaning, my sister unpacked Shyla's room and made it all "pretty", they unpacked my kitchen for me while I wandered around wondering what I should be doing and then sitting because I couldn't stand anymore...lol the joys of moving when 9 months pregnant! HAHA
But I AM still pregnant, and although I'm limited in what I can do right now, I'm slowly getting the house unpacked and in some sort of order...I just want the family room and kitchen to stay nice and tidy and then everything else can sort itself out when I have the energy! Although I think I want to tackle my books and shelves tomorrow...get the homeschool stuff ready to go again! I think Silas is more than ready to start doing school again! Although I know spring fever is going to hit soon....he was out riding his bike this afternoon and loving it!
God is just so good....I don't say that enough, but He is! Today our previous landlord came by with a cheque for our damage deposit as well as $800 in receipts we had submitted...he also took a look at our washer and dryer and may buy them from us. Yay!
AND my Stamp'n Up order arrived today! So I'm itching to have some fun with that! I just need to set up an area in my room for my stamp stuff so I don't have to put it away everyday! lol
Did I mention my bedroom is ridiculously huge?? It's big enough to be my craft area, my bedroom and the nursery! sigh....and the whole house is VERY bright! Tons of windows, light colored carpets and walls...which I may grow to hate on "home blessing" days...BUT it lets in lots of light and that makes me very happy! OH, and very importantly, it's a pretty sound proof house! Which is really important when your husband likes loud trance music....lol He can have it loud in the living room (which is his office) and it's not too loud in the kitchen which is the next room over! I love it....Anyhow....I just wanted to post that we're all moved, excited, Jamie is back in Edmonton working for the rest of the week, and life is returning to normal for a little while until I go into labor....which really at this point could be anytime....perhaps I should forget my bookshelves and set up my room for the birth first...hehe....nahhhh
Nothing like a little excitement when I DO go into labor...hehe
So I tipped the scales this week, much to my dismay....I reached 151.5 lbs....sigh...I was hoping maybe, just maybe I could get away with not hitting 150...lol I also measured my belly and I'm 41 inches around right now! WOW that kinda took me by surprise! I had used a smaller measuring tape a week ago and it wasn't long enough...it only went to 32 inches or something....sigh...anyhow....that's that...my feet and ankles are ridiculous....look like they belong to an elephant...seriously! my legs have lost that nice shapely calf and it's just straight down now with no shape at all!! My skin on my feet is stretched to the point of being uncomfortable...it's the weirdest feeling! I've never experienced water retention like this in pregnancy before! Usually it's AFTER the birth and they've pumped me full of IV fluids! lol
Oh well....at least I can blame part of the 150 lbs on water retention! hehe
Next post will be a belly shot! I will try to find my camera this week....sigh...


paige said...

i'm so glad you're settled in, LD!! you AND lisa in one week!! Crazy. *jealous* of your bright house!! Can't wait to see you guys on Thurs. i'll make you put your feet up.

Lisa said...

Yay! How exciting for you Lori Dawn! I can't believe you are so close to having baby already :)
